10 Participation

10.1 Mentoring meetings

Every student is expected to set up regular mentoring meetings with Mark, which occur every week or every other week, depending on the needs of the student. These meetings are usually scheduled for one hour, but the day and time may change to reflect changes in student coursework, committee meetings, etc. Students should come prepared to discuss goals, progress, and/or problems they’re having with field/lab work, analyses, personnel, etc.

10.2 Lab meetings

Attendance and participation at lab meetings is mandatory. If you are unable to attend, please notify Mark in advance. We currently meet every week, with the day and time varying by quarter to accommodate everyone’s schedules.

10.3 Lab outings

Our lab occasionally goes out for lunch, happy hour, or some other activity around campus or the city. We try to select activities that appeal to everyone, but no one is required to attend. Mark also hosts occasional lab dinners at his house following graduations and defenses, which we hope you will attend.

10.4 SAFS seminar

Attendance at the weekly SAFS seminar on Thursday afternoons is mandatory. During Fall and Spring quarters, seminars run from 4:00-5:00. You can find the schedule for Fall and Spring here. During Winter quarter, SAFS host the Bevan Seminar Series, which runs from 4:30-5:30 to align with normal course begin/end times. You can find the schedule here.

10.5 SAFS quantitative seminar

Attendance at the SAFS weekly quantitative seminar is optional, but strongly encouraged, especially for QERM students. Seminars run from 12:30-1:30 on Fridays in FSH 203. You can find the schedule here.

10.6 Fish & Wildlife Ecology seminar

Attendance at the weekly Fish & Wildlife Ecology seminar is optional, but strongly encouraged. Day and times of these seminars vary by quarter and year. Seminars are organized by Alex McInturff and you can sign up here.